
Dr. McFarland’s Publications

McFarland, M. B., & Kaminski, P. L. (2009). Men, muscles, and mood: The relationship between self-concept, dysphoria, and body image disturbances. Eating Behaviors, 10, 68-70.

McFarland, M. B., & Petrie, T. A. (2012). Male body satisfaction: Factorial and construct validity of the Body Parts Satisfaction Scale for Men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59, 329-337.

Petrie, T. A., & McFarland, M. B. (2009). Men and muscles: The increasing objectification of the male body. In K. Beals & J. Reel (Eds.), The Hidden Faces of Eating Disorders and Body Image. Reston, VA: The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.